“Where the community learns to code...for FREE”
The CoderDojo Charter is simple:
We commit to inspiring and supporting young people to learn how to create technology
We commit to always uphold the best interests of the young people attending our Dojo and ensuring best-practices are followed
We commit to the highest possible standards of child protection in our jurisdiction
We commit to not charging children attending nor their parents
We commit to encourage parent participation within our Dojo
We commit to sharing our knowledge for free (libre and open)
We commit to share our knowledge within our Dojo and to other Dojos
We commit to take care and uphold the good name of the global CoderDojo community
We commit to encouraging collaboration, peer to peer mentoring and project work between the attendees
We commit to welcoming volunteers and children regardless of gender, race, sexual orientation, creed, religion or ability.
West Sound CoderDojo, an initiative of West Sound Technology Association, launched its first session on May 2, 2015. Each dojo operates independently and autonomously in its local community.