“Where the community learns to code...for FREE”
Licensed Regional Group (LRG)
West Sound CoderDojo is a verified Licensed Regional Group that operates independently in the Kitsap region.
Our goal is to connect dojos in the West Puget Sound region and share experiences and best practices. What this means is that, in addition to running our biweekly sessions, we inspire other communities to sign up as Champions and launch their own dojos. The steps for doing so are relatively simple, and CoderDojo.com lays out the steps well.
So...what we do as a LRG?
We invite you to attend our dojo and see one in action. Not all dojos are the same, but as long on as you keep with the CoderDojo ethos and basic guidelines and tools - it makes things easier!
You can affiliate with our LRG or form your dojo independently.
We will share best practices and swap ideas - what works and doesn't.
Depending on availability, we can sometimes help you host your first event or list it on our Eventbrite account for registration. Please note that this is not a role we can guarantee or fulfill on an ongoing basis. You will need to coordinate mentors and volunteers, connect with your stakeholders, build a local marketing list, and conduct outreach via email, social, and print media. We can mention your event in our notices but the lion's share of the effort will be from your team.
We are excited about CoderDojo and want to reach as many kids as we can, so hope you will join us. We can also set up Google Hangouts or telephone conferences to answer any questions. Since we are all volunteers with busy lives, thank you for understanding our effort to keep interactions as streamlined, efficient, and effective as possible.
Thank you!