“Where the community learns to code...for FREE”
West Sound CoderDojo is a local, independently-run, and autonomous club. It is an open-source, free, and inclusive learning environment where the community learns code, leadership, peer collaboration, computational thinking, and so much more! Parents also join in the self-paced, interactive, collaborative, and problem-solving fun!
Independent, volunteer led programming clubs
Collaborative, youth centric & fun learning!
Community driven
Informal and creative environment
Encouraging peer mentoring and youth leaders
Self led, project based learning
Exploring new and emerging technologies
Showing code as a force for positive change
Free, open and inclusive, always
Kids teaching kids
No experience necessary
Start any time
One thing…
Learning to program a computer is like learning to play the piano. Anyone can learn and anyone can benefit from learning. But to become good at it takes practice. If you plan to bring your child on Saturdays, please try to make an hour or more during the week for them to practice with and explore what they learn with us. The more they do outside of CoderDojo, the more they’ll get out of being in CoderDojo.
​We suggest Beginner/Intermediate/Advanced projects or tutorials during that day's session but kids are free to do their own thing. If your child has never programmed before, they are welcome. If they are advanced, they are welcome. Being open to the Guiding Principles of the CoderDojo movement improves the chances they will enjoy the experience versus becoming easily discouraged about how far ahead or behind they are than other kids. It isn't a race or competition. Being self-led, self-paced...or willing to help less advanced kids, lead a session as mentor, or share solutions and project/tutorial ideas...are all encouraged.
Since parents, grandparents, and adult guardians have long been encouraged to attend with their kids, we now include them in our sessions! Look for these ticketing categories during sign up!
Whether under our Licensed Regional Group or as an independent Champion, you can grow the movement by starting your own dojo. Get started.
We modeled many aspects of our initial coderdojo after our friends at Seattle CoderDojo, and thank them for their advice. Although no longer in operation, for many years they were the Washington State pioneers.

Connect With Us!
Facebook Groups
West Sound CoderDojo
West Sound Techies
Facebook Pages
West Sound CoderDojo
Kitsap Women in Tech
West Sound Technology Association
West Sound CoderDojo
West Sound Technology Association
WATCH VIDEO BELOW FROM DojoCon 2016 in Ireland
In The News:

The biggest reward of learning computer science for Issaquah student Hallie Chen was computational thinking, or breaking down problems into segments to solve one at a time. The benefits of computer science extend far beyond coding for any student, she argues.
Hallie Chen is a student at Liberty High School in Issaquah who says her peers could all benefit from learning to code, no matter their career path. (Courtesy of Hallie Chen)
Learning how to code didn’t come naturally.
I spent countless nights trying to find a rule or concept to help me perform simple, seemingly useless tasks. One that stumped me: reversing a list of five numbers.
Search as I might in textbooks, there was no scientific concept to get me through the slog. What I needed to do to find the answer was to liberate myself from the mindset that 10 years of formal schooling had drilled in to me — as long as you memorize an equation, definition, or process, you can solve the problem.